4-24: What's Your Window? (Build a Nutrition+Hydration Habit)

Kat Lee:

Well, good morning, hello mornings. Welcome to April 24th. This is Kath Lee. And this month in hello mornings, we're talking all about fuel. How can we make sure that we're eating and hydrating in a way that's giving our bodies the energy that it needs to do the things that God's calling us to do with excellence and joy.

Kat Lee:

Now, my tip for today is one that you might wanna talk to your doctor first about, but it's the idea of creating an eating window. Now sometimes this is called time restricted feeding, which sounds kinda weird to me, or intermittent fasting. But I don't think you need to get fancy with it. And I don't even really mean any sort of very in-depth or difficult thing, but really, I'm mostly talking about limiting our late night snacking. That's really what it comes down to because many of us get a large portion of our calories at a time of day when we're not even really necessarily hungry.

Kat Lee:

We're just eating because we're tired or bored. So the idea here is if you create an eating window and say, I'm going to eat between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM. We're not looking to lose weight or do any complicated biological things to our bodies by eating in a really narrow window. We're simply being intentional and saying, I'm going to eat breakfast and lunch and dinner, and I'm not gonna have a pint of ice cream at 10 PM just because I can, because I'm an adult. Now maybe every now and then, go ahead and do that because honestly, it's kind of fun.

Kat Lee:

But if we can be intentional about the window in which we eat, it's gonna have a number of benefits. Not only will you avoid a lot of the late night snacking that we do that we just don't need to do, But when you limit the food intake before you go to sleep, your body is not gonna be digesting as much late at night, which is gonna allow you to sleep better. So not only will you be eating more nutritious food earlier in the day and not have a bunch of junk at night, because how many of us snack on celery at night. Right? When we're eating late at night, it's usually chips or ice cream or cake or whatever.

Kat Lee:

We're not eating really nutritious things. So if we just set that window and say, hey, I'm not gonna eat after 8 PM, and instead we have a cup of tea or chew some gum, or just actually, you know what? We go to bed on time. Maybe that's an option as well. But if we have that window, it just allows us to make some intentional choices about how we feed ourselves and give fuel to our bodies.

Kat Lee:

So think about that. What is your eating window? It can help you eat better and sleep better. So I encourage you to give it a try. And if you've not had your 3 minute morning, you are not too late.

Kat Lee:

You're right on time, and it is coming up next.

4-24: What's Your Window?  (Build a Nutrition+Hydration Habit)
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